Mission Portfolio

War Games Mission Portfolio: The Future of Healthcare


An established healthcare company approached Aurora GPS to help understand the future of their industry as social media, artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things changed the landscape of what “healthcare” meant. Their organization also was embroiled in its own internal upheaval. The timing was perfect to get everyone in the same room to develop a shared vision for the future.


Aurora GPS conducted a multi-day war game simulation involving all relevant stakeholders in their organization. Leveraging weeks of preparation work from both Aurora GPS analysts as well as the organization’s staff, Aurora GPS facilitators executed a war game that generated an intense series of activities from mixed teams from across their organization.


Using the insights generated from the war game, the healthcare organization developed strategic plans for at least three unique scenarios. But more than the specific results, the organization now has a tighter cohesion from stakeholders who rarely interacted before the war game took place.

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