Dollars and Sense

Aurora GPS helps organizations tackle one of the most difficult – and inherently valuable – aspects of intelligence work.

How soon will autonomous vehicles take over Over The Road (OTR) trucking?

A logistics company approached Aurora GPS to understand the impact of autonomous vehicle laws and regulations on the over-the-road trucking industry. Autonomous driving rules were a new area, largely driven by Silicon Valley and not the traditional lobbyist groups.

Size matters.

It is not enough to know that your market opportunity is large enough, you must also understand the effort it will take to dislodge entrenched competition.


Aurora GPS is committed to helping its regional, national and global clients achieve alpha™ in their marketplace through ethical intelligence gathering, incisive analysis and transformative skill-building. Through our Global Professional Services (GPS) team, we show our clients how to exploit gaps in competitors’ strategies, attack profitable adjacent markets, repulse business threats, and plan for multiple possible futures.

Begin by exploring our service offerings below.

Aurora WDC Global Primary Research / HUMINT

Global Primary Research (HUMINT) Human Intelligence

When you can get the information no other way.
Aurora WDC Competitor & Executive Profiling

Competitor & Executive Profiling

Know your competitors better than they know themselves.
Strategy & Business Model Validation

Strategy & Business Model Validation

Big decisions demand clear thinking. We help provide clarity.
Customer Insights & Engagement

Voice of Customer (VOC) Customer Insights & Engagement

Proceed with confidence by understanding your customer’s unique perspective.
Patent & Intellectual Property Analysis

IP Analysis (Patent & Intellectual Property)

There is more to IP than the law. See the bigger picture.
Market Size & Competitive Landscaping

Market Sizing & Competitive Landscaping

Discover the opportunities your competitors are missing.
Competitive Pricing Intelligence & Go-To-Market Strategy

Competitive Pricing Intelligence & Go-To-Market Strategy

Dollars and Sense: Competitive Pricing Intelligence helps you generate top-line and protect the bottom line.
Product Development & Product Management Analytics

Product Development & Product Management Analytics

Innovation is the lifeblood of every organization. Supercharge it with a robust analytical approach.
War Games, Competitive Simulations & Scenario Planning

War Games, Competitive Simulations & Scenario Planning

Don’t just play the game. Play to win. Learn how to use War Games.
Conference Intelligence & Tradeshow Coverage

Conference Intelligence & Tradeshow Coverage

When your competitors are all in one place, you need to take advantage of the opportunity.
Counterintelligence Investigations & Training

Counterintelligence Investigations & Training

Intelligence is being used against you. Right now. Understand it.
Win-Loss Analysis & Sales Effectiveness

Win-Loss Analysis & Sales Effectiveness

Use win-loss analysis to ask why you won…and more importantly, why you lost.
Sourcing & Supply Chain Intelligence

Sourcing & Supply Chain Intelligence

Be a smarter buyer: Use Supply Chain Intelligence.
Merger & Acquisition Intelligence

Merger & Acquisition Intelligence

Stronger together? Know for sure with Merger & Acquisition Intelligence.
Legislative-Regulatory Impact Analysis

Legislative-Regulatory Impact Analysis

Legislative and regulatory impact analysis will help you play the game to win.
Intelligence Program Development & Analytical Fitness

Intelligence Program Development & Analytical Fitness

Build your analytical fitness through Intelligence Program Development.

Aurora GPS stands ready to help your team achieve alpha™

Talk to an expert today.
Send us a confidential email to inquiry (at symbol) aurorawdc (dot) com and we will arrange a private call to discuss your unique situation and requirements.

Why won’t you see client testimonials on the Aurora GPS website?

Aurora GPS takes its commitment to client privacy and confidentiality extremely seriously. Our clients ask us to perform analysis and research on sensitive topics – information that could change the course of their organizations. The simple fact that Aurora GPS is involved in an initiative would be valuable information for your competitors. For that reason, although we are proud of the work we do, we will not ask for public testimonials.
Please contact us directly for a private conversation regarding client experiences conducted under a Non-Disclosure Agreement.

FirstLight® Cloud-Based Intelligence Management Software

FirstLight is the easiest way to aggregate, analyze and distribute critical insights throughout your organization. For a full FirstLight® experience, visit

Updates from the RECONVERGE Network

Register Now for the 2018 RECONVERGE:G2 Intelligence Leadership Symposium

This year’s G2 conference will be held at the University of Wisconsin – Madison Fluno Center, in the heart of one of the nation’s top business schools.

Missed the latest IntelCollab Webinar? Stream it now.

Stream the latest in the IntelCollab webinar series with provocateur Martha Gleason and moderator Dr. Craig Fleisher: “How to Use the Business Model Canvas as an Intelligence Tool”